Saturday 31 October 2015

Text God Reviews

God I want you right now,” Speaker John Diehl, a Republican, tells the unknown intern in the leaked texts.  They were then force-marched 800 miles and paraded (literally) through a pagan city in which they were now considered as the living symbols of the power of that city's god. Yet the promise stood: God would fully restore His people and bring them out of their desperate situation, but He would not do it in the way any of them would have planned it. All along I had heard Jeremiah 29 like I was listening to Hananiah—as if God would work out everything for my benefit in the near future and in ways that made sense to me. This is what my teacher meant about misusing God's promise: we take Jeremiah 29 out of its context and hear in it the promises we want to receive.

When we realize our interpretation of Jeremiah (or any passage) has given in to such a misreading, we should step back and consider how we arrived in a place where God more closely resembled a vending machine than our creator and savior.  The form of it changes in every generation, but the tendency for us to exchange the truth of God for a lie continually confronts each person.  Instead, it will cause us to realize we live within a much bigger story—one in which God resolves the disappointments of life in ways that far exceed our shortened sight. The main difference between Text God and other texting guides is that it doesn't suck.

Text God on the other hand was written by a guy named Robbie Hemingway, an elite VIP host out in LA who is close friends with Jason Capital of Team Capital fame (arguably the #1 best dating coach out there).  Inside the program Robbie gives you a straight forward 3 step system (Plant, Fertilize & Smash) that you can use to get any random girl who you have as a contact” in your phone and get her to want to meet up and have sex entirely through text messages.

In addition to the complete text god review core training the program also comes with several bonuses including: The 5 Worst Texting Mistakes”, The Text God Inner Circle” private Facebook group, the Digits on Demand” audio program with Jason Capital, and my personal favorite Getting Her to Send You Dirty Pics”.  PRO #2 Real Life Text Examples - One of the best things about this course is that it contains so many examples of text message exchanges directly from Robbie's phone.

In the FB group you can actually get Robbie to give you detailed feedback on your real life text exchanges, so you can see exactly what you personally are doing wrong, and right, to get your skills sharpened directly from the master himself. However, if you implement the Digits on Demand” training that comes with this program that is really all you ned to start getting numbers daily.  As I mentioned, I've seen many text guides come and go over the past 5 years or so, and most completely sucked.  Throughout the book Fabian provides snippets from real text conversations he's had with women.

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